– Pehormagic ring Children’smagic ring tenderness (50g/235m) dark red (fingers on magical rings and legs, comb, nose,

tip of tail), yellow (tummy), black (tips of ears) colors

– Pehormagic ring Children’s magic ringinc (50g/225m) light red (all toysmagic ring), white (eyes, stomach), pink (tongue)


– 1.4mm hook for Pekhorka

– Iris of blue, golden and dark yellow flowers (horns)

– hook 1.25 for Iris

– 2 black beads for pupils

– sewing needle and monofilament for stitching

– incovolomagic ring:

on legs 15cm x 2 pcs

on hands 11 cm x 2 pcs

for body and head 60 cm x 1 piece

– tonemagic ring invololomagic ring for finger reinforcement

– filler for stuffing

Magic ring is a magic ring throughout the body, so it can take any pose. The height of the toy in the magic ring position is 28 cm for mine.

The total length of the toy is about 58cm.


magic ring – amigurumi ring

sc – single crochet

dec – decаmagic ring (inc knit two loops in the previous row together)

triple dec – inc knit one sc from three loops inc of the previous row

inc – insibavmagic ring (inc knit 2 sc from one inc loop of the previous row)

triple inc – in one loop ince of the previous row inc, knit 3 sc

sl-st – connecting post

ch – air loop

psl-stн – half double crochet

sl-stн – double crochet

(1 sc, inc) x 3 times – what is in brackets inc knit with the magic ring the specified number of times

the number in magic ringх brackets at the end of the magic ring of each row means the total number of loops in this row

Legs (2 parts)


Start with dark red color

1st row: 3 sc in magic ring

2nd row: 3inc (6)

Row 3: (1 sc, inc) x 3 times (9)

Row 4: (2 sc, inc) x 3 times (12)

5 row: 1 sc, (3 sc, inc) x 2 times, inc, 2 sc (15)

Change color to light red

Row 6: 1 sc, inc, 1 sc, dec, 1 sc, triple inc, 1 sc, dec, 1 sc, inc, 1 sc, dec (16)

7th row: 16 sc

Row 8: 6 sc, triple dec, 7 sc (14)

Row 9: 1 sc, 2 dec, 3 sc, 2 dec, 2 sc (10)

Row 10: 1 sc, dec, 3 sc, dec, 2 sc (8)

11-12 row: 8 sc – 2 rows

Stuff the detail. Cut the thread.

Knit a second such piece. Do not break the thread of the second part, but continue knitting

Let’s put them together:

Row 13: hook the first finger from the wrong side of the last in-knitted loop and the second finger

from the front side behind the first loop of the next row, inc work 1 sc through them, into the next loops

both fingers – 2 sc, then knit 5 sc on the second finger, 5 sc on the first finger. Move


Row 14: 10 sc

Fill and seal the mold.

Row 15: 10 sc, 1 offset stitch

Row 16: inc, 4 sc, 3 ch, 2 sc along the chain starting from the 2nd loop from

hookmagic ring, 4 sc, inc (16)

Row 17: 7 sc, 2inc, 7 sc (18)

Row 18: 3sl-st, 4 sc, 2 dec, 4 sc, 3sl-st (16)

Row 19: 3sl-st, 3 sc, 2 dec, 3 sc, 3sl-st (14)

Row 20: 1 sc, 6 dec, 1 sc (8)

Insert the incovolok into both fingers and fasten the ends together

Next, stuff the piece as you knit it

Rows 21-31: 8 sc – 11 rows

Row 32: 2 sc, 3 psl-stн, 3 sc (8) This is the knee, make sure it is in front in the center

Rows 33-41: 8 sc – 9 rows

Row 42: (3 sc, inc) x 2 times (10)

Row 43: 10 sc, inc work an additional 3 sc on the first leg and 8 sc on the left leg

Cut and fasten the thread.

Knit a second similar piece.


The part is stuffed as you knit. The magic ring extends along the entire length, starting from the tip of the magic ring of the tail, and

protrudes from the neck approximately 10 cm (the length of the dragon’s head). In the tail at the tip you get a small magic ring

holes in the magic ring, but due to the fact that there is a magic ring in there, the filler should not come out of the tail.

Start with dark red color

1st row: (4 ch, along the chain starting from the 2nd loop from the magic ring hook 1 sc, 2 psl-stн) x 2 times; 5 ch, starting in chain

from the 2nd loop from the magic ring hook 1 sc, 1 psl-stн, 2 sl-stн

2nd row: along the last columns of the magic ring horizontally, 2 sc in the magic ring, each column (6 sc)

3-4 row: close into a ring and inc work in a circle 6 sc – 2 rows

Row 5: (dec, 1 sc) x 2 times (4)

Row 6: 4 sc

Change the thread to light red

Rows 7-15: 4 sc – 9 rows

Row 16: inc, 3 sc (5)

Rows 17-19: 5 sc – 3 rows

Row 20: inc, 4 sc (6)

Rows 21-26: 6 sc – 6 rows

Row 27: (inc, 2 sc) x 2 times (8)

Rows 28-34: 8 sc – 7 rows

Row 35: (inc, 3 sc) x 2 times (10)

Rows 36-42: 10 sc – 7 rows

Row 43: (inc, 4 sc) x 2 times (12)

Rows 44-50: 12 sc – 7 rows

Row 51: (inc, 5 sc) x 2 times (14)

Rows 52-58: 14 sc – 7 rows

Row 59: (inc, 6 sc) x 2 times (16)

Rows 60-66: 16 sc – 7 rows

Row 67: (inc, 7 sc) x 2 times (18)

Rows 68-74: 18 sc – 7 rows

Row 75: (inc, 5 sc) x 3 times (21)

Rows 76-82: 21 sc – 7 rows

Row 83: (inc, 6 sc) x 3 times (24)

Rows 84-90: 24 sc – 7 rows

Row 91: (inc, 7 sc) x 3 times (27)

Rows 92-94: 27 sc – 3 rows

Row 95: (inc, 8 sc) x 3 times (30)

Rows 96-98: 30 sc – 3 rows

Row 99: 5 sc along the body and inside of the other leg together, 10 sc around the body, 5 sc around the body and inside

parts of the left leg together, 10 sc across the body (30)

Row 100: 5 sc on the outer part of the inc leg, 10 sc on the body, 5

sc on the outer part of the left leg, 10 sc on the body (30)

Connect thread in the legs and body, secure with adhesive tape

Rows 101-145: 30 sc – 45 rows

Row 146: (dec, 8 sc) x 3 times (27)

Rows 147-149: 27 sc – 3 rows

Row 150: (dec, 7 sc) x 3 times (24)

Rows 151-153: 24 sc – 3 rows

Row 154: (dec, 6 sc) x 3 times (21)

Rows 155-157: 21 sc – 3 rows

Row 158: (dec, 5 sc) x 3 times (18)

Rows 159-169: 18 sc – 11 rows

Row 170: (dec, 4 sc) x 3 times (15)

Rows 171-180: 15 sc – 10 rows

Cut and fasten the thread.

Hands (2 parts)

Knit the magic ring fingers last and do not break the thread for further knitting.

Little finger (2 parts):

Start with dark red color

1st row: 3 sc in magic ring (3)

2nd row: inc, triple inc, inc (7)

Row 3: 3 sc, triple inc, 3 sc (9)

Change color to light red

Row 4: 2 sc, dec. 1 sc, dec, 2 sc (7)

Row 5: 3 sc, dec, 2 sc (6)

Row 6: (dec, 1 sc) x 2 times (4)

7th row: 4 sc

Cut and fasten the thread.

Thumb (2 parts):

Start with dark red color

1st row: 3 sc in magic ring (3)

2nd row: inc, triple inc, inc (7)

Row 3: 3 sc, triple inc, 3 sc (9)

Change color to light red

Row 4: 2 sc, dec. 1 sc, dec, 2 sc (7)

Row 5: 3 sc, dec, 2 sc (6)

6-7 row: 6 sc – 2 rows

Cut and fasten the thread.

Magic ring: first and middle fingers (2 parts each):

Start with dark red color

1st row: 3 sc in magic ring (3)

2nd row: inc, triple inc, inc (7)

Row 3: 3 sc, triple inc, 3 sc (9)

Change color to light red

Row 4: 2 sc, dec. 1 sc, dec, 2 sc (7)

Row 5: 3 sc, dec, 2 sc (6)

Row 6: 6 sc

Row 7: (dec, 1 sc) x 2 times (4)

Row 8: 4 sc

Cut and fasten the thread. Knit a second such piece. Then

tie two more of the same fingers – magic rings – they don’t have a thread

cut off.

İnproceed from the magic ring of the thumb.

Your favorite magic ring:

Row 1: 2 sc across middle finger, starting from stitch 4 of row; 4 sc on the little finger; 2 sc on the middle finger; 4

sc on the magic ring on the thumb (12)

Place a marker.

2nd row: 12 sc

3rd row: 11 sc, dec – move marker (11)

4th row: 4 sc, dec, 5 sc (10)

Knit your thumb:

5th row: 7 sc, 3 sc, grabbing the finger and hand loops at the same time (starting from the 3rd loop of the big row

finger) (10)

6th row: 7 sc, 3 sc on finger (10)

Starting from the 7th row, both hands are knitted equally

Left hand magic ring:

1st row: 3 sc on the magic ring finger; 2 sc on the middle finger starting from the 2nd loop of the row; 4 sc

little finger; 2 sc on the middle finger; 1 sc on the magic ring on the thumb (12)

Place a marker.

2nd row: 12 sc

3rd row: 11 sc, dec – move marker (11)

4th row: 4 sc, dec, 5 sc (10)

Knit your thumb:

Row 5: 3 sc, picking up finger and hand stitches at the same time (starting from stitch 3 of the thumb row), 7

sc (10)

6th row: 3 sc on the finger, 7 sc (10)

Starting from the 7th row, both hands are knitted equally

Insert the incovolok into your fingers, make a magic ring with your hands

Row 7: (dec, 3 sc) x 2 times (8)

Rows 8-17: 8 sc – 10 rows

Row 18: (3 sc, inc) x 2 times (10)

Stuff the detail.

Row 19: 10 sc

The next row forms the elbow, make sure it doesn’t move

Row 20: for the right hand – 3 sc, 4 ch, along the chain starting from the 2nd loop from the magic ring 1 sc hook, 1 psl-stн, 1 sl-stн; sl-st in 3-

th loop of the row, 3 ch, along the chain starting from the 2nd loop from the hookmagic ring 1 sc, 1 psl-stн; 7 sc on the main row (10)

for the left hand – 7 sc, 4 ch, along the chain starting from the 2nd loop from the hookmagic ring 1 sc, 1 psl-stн, 1 sl-stн; sl-st in the 7th loop

row, 3 ch, along the chain starting from the 2nd loop from the hookmagic ring 1 sc, 1 psl-stн; 3 sc on the main row (10)

Next, continue knitting along the main row, bending back the scales – they should remain sticking out

21 row: for the right hand – 3 sc, inc, 4 sc, inc, 1 sc (12) increments on the larger magic rings from scales

for the left hand – (4 sc, inc) x 2 times (12) increments on the magic ring for scales

Rows 22-26: 12 sc – 5 rows

Row 27: (3 sc, inc) x 3 times (15)

Rows 28-30: 15 sc – 3 rows

Row 31: (4 sc, inc) x 3 times (18)

Rows 32-36: 18 sc – 5 rows

Row 37: (1 sc, dec) x 6 times (12)

Stuff the detail.

Row 38: 6 dec (6)

Pull the hole, cut and fasten the thread.

Lower jaw

Light red thread.

1st row: 16 ch, from the 2nd loop from the magic ring hook 14 sc, triple inc, on the other side 14 sc, 1 ch, turn (31)

2nd row: 14 sc, inc, 1 sc, inc, 14 sc, 1 ch, turn (33)

3rd row: 15 sc, inc, 1 sc, inc, 15 sc, 1 ch, turn (35)

4th row: 16 sc, inc, 1 sc, inc, 16 sc, 1 ch, turn (37)

5th row: 17 sc, inc, 1 sc, inc, 17 sc, 1 ch, turn (39)

6th row: 4 sc, for the back half loop 14 sc, inc, 1 sc, inc, 14 sc, for both half loops 4 sc, 1 ch, turn (41)

7th row: for the front half loop 15 sc, inc, 3 sc, 3inc, 3 sc, inc, 15 sc, 1 ch, turn (46)

8-9 row: 46 sc, 1 ch, turn – 2 rows

Row 10: 15 sl-st with half stitches left in row 7;

further inc continue only along half loops of row 7: inc, 3 sc, 3inc, 3 sc, inc, 1 ch, turn; 16 sc, 1 ch,


16 sl-st together with the second half of where;

15 sl-st together with half loops left in row 7; 5 dec along the back of the jaw (where we did

turns), 2sl-st to the edge of the part, 1 ch, turn; 9 sc from edge to edge of the back of the piece.

Cut and fasten the thread.

Zdecy (bottom row)

Start at tongue from the place where half loops are left in the 6th row of the jaw, i.e. the outermost 4 sc we do not


White thread.

1st row: Grab the half loops left in the 6th row of the jaw and the last row of the jaw: 11 sc; only by

half loops left in the 6th row 9 sc; for the half-loops left in the 6th row of jaws and the last row

jaws: 11 sc, 1 ch, turn.

2nd row: sl-st, (1 sc, 1 psl-stн, 1 sl-stн, 1 psl-stн, 1 sc, sl-st) x 5 times

Cut and fasten the thread.


Pink thread.

1st row: 6 sc in magic ring (6)

2nd row: 6inc (12)

Rows 3-7: 12 sc – 5 rows

Row 8: 1 sc, inc, 5 sc, inc, 4 sc (14)

Rows 9-13: 14 sc – 5 rows

Row 14: 3 sc, inc, 6 sc, inc, 3 sc (16)

Rows 15-17: 16 sc – 3 rows

Row 18: 5 sc; lightly stuff the piece with a magic ring and tie 8 sc on both sides.

Sew the part to the lower jaw.

Upper jaw

Stuffing in incoccessl-stе knitting

Light red thread

1st row: 6 sc in magic ring (6)

2nd row: 6inc (12)

Row 3: (1 sc, inc) x 6 times (18)

Row 4: (2 sc, inc) x 6 times (24)

Row 5: (3 sc, inc) x 6 times (30)

Rows 6-10: 30 sc – 5 rows

11th row: 2 dec, 9 sc, 3 dec, 9 sc, dec (24)

Rows 12-14: 24 sc – 3 rows

Row 15: 2 dec, 6 sc, 3 dec, 6 sc, dec (18)

Rows 16-18: 18 sc – 3 rows

Row 19: behind the front wall 18 sc

Rows 20-22: behind both walls 18 sc – 3 rows

Row 23: 3 sc, 6 sc together with half loops of row 19, 9 sc (18) this

foldmagic ring on the nose, it should be in the center of the top

Rows 24-26: 18 sc – 3 rows

Row 27: 3inc, 7 sc, 3inc, 5 sc (24)

Zdecy (top row)

You can knit a magic ring from me, or you can directly cast on loops along the upper jaw part so as not to

incish later.

White thread.

41 ch, along the chain starting from the 2nd loop from the magic ring hook 4 sc, (1 psl-stн, 1 sl-stн, 1 psl-stн, sl-st) x 8 times, 4 sc

Insect the sections towards the upper jaw.

We continue to knit the upper jaw

28 row: 17 sc; together with the lower jaw 9 sc; 2 sc along the upper jaw, moving to the loops of the next


Move marker

We knit scales on the cheeks of magic rings, making sure that they are symmetrical, along the edges of the jaw

Row 29: 12 sc, 4 ch, 1 sc in the second loop from the magic ring hook, 2 sl-stн, sl-st in the same 12th loop, 1 sc in the next 13

loop, 5 ch, 1 sc in the 2nd loop from the magic ring hook, 3 sl-stн, sl-st in the same 13th loop, 1 sc in the next 14th loop, 4

ch, 1 sc in the 2nd loop from the magic ring hook, 2 sl-stн, sl-st in the same 14th loop, 1 sc in the next 15th loop, 7 sc, 4 ch, 1

sc in the second loop from the magic ring hook, 2 sl-stн, sl-st in the same loop, 1 sc in the next loop, 5 ch, 1 sc in the 2nd loop

from the hookmagic ring, 3 sl-stн, sl-st in the same loop, 1 sc in the next loop, 4 ch, 1 sc in the 2nd loop from the hookmagic ring, 2 sl-stн, sl-st in

the same loop (24)

Next, knit along the main row, bending the scales

Rows 30-34: 24 sc – 5 rows

Row 35: (dec, 2 sc) x 6 times (18)

Row 36: (dec, 1 sc) x 6 times (12)

Do not tighten the hole on the magic ring. Set the item aside.


Dark red thread

1st row: 4 ch, from the second loop from the magic ring 3 sc hook, 1 ch, turn (3)

Row 2: triple inc, dec, 1 ch, turn (4)

Row 3: dec, 1 sc, triple inc, 1 ch, turn (5)

4th row: triple inc, 2 sc, dec (6)

Continue knitting along the end of the piece 2 sc, sl-st at the base

15 ch (this is the space between the “tongue magic rings” of the comb)

1st row: 4 ch, from the second loop from the magic ring 3 sc hook, 1 ch, turn (3)

Row 2: triple inc, dec, 1 ch, turn (4)

Row 3: dec, 1 sc, triple inc, 1 ch, turn (5)

4th row: triple inc, 2 sc, dec (6)

Continue knitting along the end of the piece 2 sc, sl-st at the base

15 ch

1st row: 4 ch, from the second loop from the magic ring 3 sc hook, 1 ch, turn (3)

Row 2: triple inc, dec, 1 ch, turn (4)

Row 3: dec, 1 sc, triple inc, 1 ch, turn (5)

4th row: triple inc, 2 sc, dec (6)

Continue to knit 2 sc along the end of the piece, 2 sc at the base, inc knit 39 sc along the entire bottom edge

details, sl-st.

Align the comb with the center of the dragon’s back and sew.


Yellow thread.

Knitting starts from the top of the belly

1st row: 3 ch, from the 2nd loop from the magic ring 2 sc hook, 1 ch, turn

Rows 2-9: 2 sc, 1 ch, turn – 8 rows

Row 10: 2inc, 1 ch, turn

Rows 11-16: 4 sc, 1 ch, turn – 6 rows

Row 17: inc, 2 sc, inc, 1 ch, turn

Rows 18-23: 6 sc, 1 ch, turn – 6 rows

Row 24: inc, 4 sc, inc, 1 ch, turn

Rows 25-84: 8 sc, 1 ch, turn – 60 rows

Row 85: dec, 4 sc, dec. 1 ch, turn

Rows 86-93: 6 sc, 1 ch, turn – 8 rows

Row 94: dec, 2 sc, dec, 1 ch, turn

Rows 95-102: 4 sc, 1 ch, turn – 8 rows

Row 103: 2 dec, 1 ch. turn

Rows 104-111: 2 sc, 1 ch, turn – 8 rows

Row 112: dec, 1 ch, turn

Rows 113-116: 1 sc, 1 ch, turn – 4 rows

Tie sc around the piece.

Measure and incise the belly to the torso.

Mark and embroider horizontal jumpers on the stomach with a thread of a darker color (incimally through

magic ring every 8 rows).


Squirrels (2 parts)

White thread.

1st row: 6 ch, from the 2nd loop from the magic ring hook 4 sc, 3 sc in the last loop, on the other side 3 sc, inc (12)

Row 2: inc, 3 sc, inc, 1 sc, inc, 3 sc, inc, 1 sc (16)

Row 3: inc, 5 sc, inc, 1 sc, inc, 5 sc, inc, 1 sc (20)

4th row: 1 sc, inc, 5 sc, inc, 3 sc, inc, 5 sc, inc, 2 sc (24)

Rows 5-7: 24 sc – 3 rows

Row 8: (dec, 2 sc) x 6 times (18)

9 row: (dec, 1 sc) x 6 times (12)

Stuff the detail. Sew the hole parallel to the cast-on seam.

Eyelids (2 parts)

Light red thread.

1st row: 6 ch, from the 2nd loop from the magic ring hook 4 sc, 3 sc in the last loop, on the other side 3 sc, inc (12)

Row 2: inc, 3 sc, inc, 1 sc, inc, 3 sc, inc, 1 sc (16)

Row 3: inc, 5 sc, inc, 1 sc, inc, 5 sc, inc, 1 sc (20)

4th row: 1 sc, inc, 5 sc, inc, 3 sc, inc, 5 sc, inc, 2 sc (24)

5 row: 1 sc, inc, 7 sc, inc, 1 sc, inc, 1 sc, inc, 7 sc, inc, 1 sc, inc (30)

Row 6: 20 sc for the front half loop, 10 sc (30)

7th row: 30 sc (30)

Row 8: 20 sc along with half loop left in row 6, 10 sc, sl-st (30)

Fasten and cut the thread

The captured part is the outer part of the magic ring. The one that remains unincorporated is internal.

Sew the white into the eyelid.

Sew the eyelids with the parts not folded towards each other.

Sew the eyes to the head along the cast-on seam of the magic ring and the bottom.

Make the pupils.

Bring the whites closer to each other and sew them together.

Horns (2 parts)

Start with blue thread

1st row: 4 sc in magic ring (4)

2nd row: 4sc

Row 3: (inc, 1 sc) x 2 times (6)

Row 4: (inc, 2 sc) x 2 times (8)

Row 5: (inc, 3 sc) x 2 times (10)

Row 6: 10 sc

Do not cut the thread; switch to gold thread

Row 7: behind the back half loop 10 sc

Row 8: for both half loops inc, 9 sc (11)

Row 9: inc, 10 sc (12)

10-11 rows: 12 sc – 2 rows.

Fasten and cut the thread, leaving the end for incision.

Return to the blue thread and tie in 10 sc using the free half-loops.

Fasten and cut the thread.

Stuff and incise the details to the back upper part of the eyes.


Dark red thread.

1st row: 6 sc in magic ring (6)

Row 2: (inc, 2 sc) x 2 times (8)

Row 3: (inc, 3 sc) x 2 times (10)

Row 4: (2inc, 3 sc) x 2 times (14)

Row 5: 1 sc, 2inc, 5 sc, 2inc, 4 sc (18)

Row 6: 2 sc, 2inc. 1 sc, for the back half loop 5 sc, for both half loops 1 sc, 2inc, 5 sc (22)

Row 7: 3 sc, 2inc, 9 sc, 2inc, 6 sc (26)

Row 8: 26 sc

Row 9: 4 sc, dec, 11 sc, dec, 7 sc (24).

Cut the thread, leaving the end to sew the part.

Return to the half-loops left free in the 6th row, fasten the thread, inc knit 5 sc, 1 ch,

turn; dec, 1 sc, dec, 1 ch, turn; (3 sc, 1 ch, turn) x 3 times.

Stuff the part and sew up the hole, grasping the nostrils.

When sewing, tighten the corners a little, giving the nose a roundness.

Stitch your nose.

Mustache (2 parts)

Yellow thread.

25 ch, from the 2nd loop from the hookmagic ring 24 sl-st

Sew along the edges of the upper jaw, sincava and to the left of the nose.

Ears (2 parts)

Start with light red thread

1st row: 11 ch, from the 2nd loop from the magic ring hook 7 sc, 1 ch. turn (7) There are three unconnected ch left on the chain

2nd row: 6 sc, 2inc, on the other side 7 sc, (inc and this is the last 7th loop inc knitted along the remaining

tail from ch), 1 ch, turn (17) There are two unconnected ch left on the chain

3rd row: 7 sc, inc, 2 sc, inc, 8 sc, (in this the last 8th loop is knitted inc along the remaining tail from

ch) 1 ch, turn (21) There is one unconnected ch left on the chain

4th row: 9 sc, inc, 2 sc, inc, 10 sc, 1 ch, turn (25) Captured all free ch chains

Row 5: 26 sc.

Fasten and cut the thread.

Switch to black thread.

6th row: in the last row, in the 6th loop from the edge, fasten the thread and, starting from the 7th loop, knit sl-st, 4 sc, inc, 2 sc,

inc, 4 sc, 2sl-st, 1 ch, turn (17)

Row 7: in the 2nd loop from the beginning of the row sl-st, 13 sc, sl-st, 1 ch, turn (15)

Row 8: in the 2nd loop from the beginning of the row sl-st, 10 sc, sl-st, 1 ch, turn (12)

Row 9: in the 2nd loop from the beginning of the sl-st row. 8 sc, sl-st. 1 ch, turn (10)

Row 10: in the 2nd loop from the beginning of the row sl-st, 11 sc to the end, sl-st. (13)

Move the thread to the beginning on the other side and tie 5 sc, sl-st (6)

Fasten, trim and stitch all threads.

Sew the ears to the head under the magic rings.

When the head is completely ready, insert the incovolok from the body into the head

6 dec (6), tighten the hole

Sew the head towards the neck.

Sew your hands to your body using thread fastening.

Kategoriler: Amigurumi

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